Habari za Punde


We are thrilled for your support!!!
Our fundraising event on Saturday, December 10, 2016 was a huge success. Because of your participation in our auction and generous donations, we were able to raise $7,041 whereas our goal was $5,000. This is $2,041 or about 41% above our goal.
Please, accept our most sincere thanks for your support. It may not be possible to mention each one by name, but we are indeed grateful to each one of you for your involvement, role played during the event, and even attending our fundraising event. The recap of the money collected is given below:
$3,511 Total Cash
$800 Total Checks
$4,311 Total Contribution
$1,295Total Cash
$280 Total Checks
$815 Total Quick Pay
$2,390 Total from the auction
$340 Total Pledges
$7,041 Total Collection
($100) Cash - Hall Rental
$6,941 Total - Bank Deposit
$4,706 Total Cash on hand
$1,080 Total checks
$815 Total Quick Pay
$340 Total pledges
$6,941 Bank Deposit

With your donations, the family will be able to meet immediate financial needs to transport the body of our beloved Brother Leo Mapunda Mwakitalu to Tanzania, and other family arrangement associated with the funeral plans.
Again, your generous donations and support are very much appreciated.

May GOD bless you!
Organizing Committee
 WaTanzania Columbus, Ohio na vitongoji wakijumuika pamoja siku ya Jumamosi Desemba 10, 2016 kwenye harambee ya mpendwa wao Leo liyofanyka Columbus Ohio kwa ajili ya kuchangisha fedha za kusafirisha mwili wa marehemu nyumbani Tanzania kwa mazishi. Leo alifariki Desemba 3, 2016 Florida nchini Marekani. Picha na Vijimambo Blog na Kwanza Production.
WaTanzania wa Columbus, Ohio wakiendelea na zoezi la harambee ya kujaribu kuchangisha fedha kusaidia kusafirisha mwili wa mpendwa wao Leo na gharama zingine siku ya Jumamosi Desemba 10, 2016.
 Mwongozaji wa harambee hiyo akisisitiza jambo.
 WaTanzania na marafiki wa Leo wakiendelea kuchangia kwenye harambee ya mpendwa wao iliyofanyika siku ya Jumamosi Desemba 10, 2016
Harambee ikiendelea
 WaTanzania wa Columbus, Ohio wakijumuika pamoja kwenye harambee ya mpendwa wao Leo iliyofanyika siku ya Jumamosi Desemba 10, 2016
Harambee ikiendelea siku ya Jumamosi Desemba 10, 2016
WaTanzania waliohudhuria harambee hiyo

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